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Norman Ortega, Esq.

Norman Ortega, MBA, Esq., is an Associate Attorney at LS Carlson Law, focusing on Homeowners Association (HOA) disputes. With a profound understanding of business and real estate law, Norman brings a wealth of experience and a strategic approach to handling complex legal matters within the realm of HOA disputes.

Norman's educational background is distinguished by his dual degrees: a Juris Doctorate and a Master of Business Administration. His rigorous academic journey equipped him with a deep understanding of both legal principles and business dynamics, allowing him to navigate the multifaceted nature of HOA disputes with a unique blend of legal acumen and business insight.

Throughout his career, Norman has successfully prosecuted and defended a wide range of matters in probate court, including trust contests, elder abuse actions, accountings, and claims involving undue influence and breach of fiduciary duty. This extensive courtroom experience has honed his litigation skills, enabling him to adeptly handle disputes from the initial pleading stages through discovery and trial.

Norman's focus on HOA disputes is underscored by his ability to dissect and articulate complex legal issues, ensuring meticulous representation for his clients. His comprehensive approach to legal practice is characterized by thorough legal research, strategic planning, and a commitment to securing outcomes that uphold the rights and interests of homeowners.

In addition to his legal practice, Norman is dedicated to giving back to the community. He volunteers as a Capoeira Instructor in Colombia and Brazil, sharing his passion for the martial art and its cultural significance.